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Constipation: 5 helpful tips    

Constipation is an unpleasant and unhealthy condition. Less frequent bowel movements and hardened stools make it difficult to maintain a healthy nutritional intake. Constipation often causes you to pass a lot of gas, have stomach pain or develop nausea. Some of the reasons for constipation are side effects of chemotherapy, other medication (such as painkillers), not drinking enough or being less active. Constipation is the opposite of diarrhea.

How can you adapt your food choices to literally "get things moving" again?

Patient taking advice to overcome constipation
Never hesitate to ask for help when you suffer from constipation. 

How to handle constipation?

1. Drink enough!

This might be the most important one. Drink enough fluids to get things going. Some people prefer hot liquids to get over constipation, so give coffee, tea and soup a try. Drink at least 1.5 L daily to get enough fluids. Your body’s cells and organs need hydration to function properly

Fiber is particularly effective against constipation. Note: If the administration of opioids is part of your treatment, you have to abstain from a fiber diet as it can increase the drug-related side effects with serious consequences! 

Good sources of fiber include whole-grain breads and cereals, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, beans, and nuts. Please note: Without adequate fluids, fiber will exacerbate your constipation. You can only benefit from fiber by drinking plenty of fluids along with it. If you’re switching from a low-fiber to a high-fiber diet, go slow to give your body time to adjust.

2. Get moving 

Physical activity can have a positive effect on your digestion, so ask your healthcare team what exercises or activities are appropriate for you.

3. Try dried prunes

Dried prunes are very helpful. Have you heard of this? Soak three prunes over the course of a day. Then chew them up thoroughly and drink the soaking water. Don’t like the sound of that? A good alternative to the dried fruit is a glass or two of unfiltered prune juice.

4. Record your bowel movements 

If you aren’t sure whether you suffer from constipation or not, try to keep a record of your bowel movements. This way, you can easily figure out any changes. Either way, if you have no bowel movement in two days, consult your doctor right away? you may need a special supplement, laxative or stool softener. Please, never medicate yourself.