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Upper GI tract


Endoluminal vacuum therapy for the treatment and prevention of anastomotic leakages, and for the treatment of perforations, in the upper GI tract.

Product image of Eso-SPONGE®


  • Treatment of anastomotic leaks or perforations in the upper gastrointestinal tract* by means of negative pressure including intraluminal or intracavitary therapy of paraoesophageal and mediastinal septic focus or localised abscesses endoscopically accessible.
  • New: Preventive therapy to reduce the risk of anastomotic leaks in the upper gastrointestinal tract*.

*The upper GI tract refers to the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, endoscopically accessible within the range of the overtube length.

12.3 % - 13.6 %

Leakage rate in cervical anastomosis [11], [12]


2.9 % - 9.3 %

Leakage rate in thoracic anastomosis [11], [12]


Animation about Endo-SPONGE® endoluminal vacuum therapy in the colorectal area

How to use

Endoluminal vacuum therapy for the treatment of anastomotic leakages and perforations in the upper GI tract.

Procedure step by step and recommended placement

Preventive use of Eso-SPONGE®

Endoluminal vacuum therapy for the prevention of anastomotic leakages in the upper GI tract.

Connection to the vacuum source

How to use the variable speed medical vacuum pump MV 1 (MTG Sulzbach, Germany – distributed by B. Braun).

Product information

[1] Bemelman WA, Baron TH. Endoscopic Management of Transmural Defects, Including Leaks, Perforations, and Fistulae. Gastroenterology. 2018 May;154(7):p. 1938-46.e1.

[2] Heits N, Egberts JH, Schniewind B, Hampe J, Becker T, Schafmayer C. Endoscopic-Vacuum-Therapy in Esophgageous Perforations and Anastomotic Leakages after Esophagectomy. The Best Treatment Option to Solve a Major Complication in Upper GI-Surgery? Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Mar;97(3):1029-35.

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[8] Kuehn F, Schiffmann L, Janisch F, Schwandner F, Alsfasser G, Gock M, Klar E. Surgical Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy for Defects of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract. J Gastrointest Surg. 2016 Feb;20(2):237-43.

[9] Heits N, Bernsmeier A, Reichert B, Hauser C, Hendricks A, Seifert D, Richter F, Schafmayer C, Ellrichmann M, Schniewind B, Hampe J, Becker T, Egberts JH. Long-term quality of life after endovac-therapy in anastomotic leakages after esophagectomy. J Thorac Dis. 2018 Jan;10(1):228-40.

[10] Morell B, Murray F, Vetter D, Bueter M, Gubler C. Endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT) for early infradiaphragmal leakage after bariatric surgery-outcomes of six consecutive cases in a single institution. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2019 Feb;404(1):115-21.

[11] Kassis ES, Kosinski AS, Ross P Jr, Koppes KE, Donahue JM, Daniel VC. Predictors of anastomotic leak after esophagectomy: an analysis of the society of thoracic surgeons general thoracic database. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 Dec;96(6):1919-26.

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[14] Kuehn F, Janisch F, Schwandner F, Alsfasser G, Schiffmann L, Gock M, Klar E. Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy in Colorectal Surgery. J Gastrointest Surg. 2016 Feb;20(2):328-34.

[15] Schniewind B, Schafmayer C, Voehrs G, Egberts J, von Schoenfels W, Rose T, Kurdow R, Arlt A, Ellrichmann M, Jürgensen C, Schreiber S, Becker T, Hampe J. Endoscopic endoluminal vacuum therapy is superior to other regimens in managing anastomotic leakage after esophagectomy: a comparative retrospective study. Surg Endosc. 2013 Oct;27(10):3883-90.

[16] Smallwood NR, Fleshman JW, Leeds SG, Burdick JS. The use of endoluminal vacuum (E-Vac) therapy in the management of upper gastrointestinal leaks and perforations. Surg Endosc. 2016 Jun;30(6):2473-80.

[17] Laukoetter MG, Mennigen R, Neumann PA, Dhayat S, Horst G, Palmes D, Senninger N, Vowinkel T. Successful closure of defects in the upper gastrointestinal tract by endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT): a prospective cohort study. Surg Endosc. 2017 Jun;31(6):2687-96.

[18] Brangewitz M, Voigtländer T, Helfritz FA, Lankisch TO, Winkler M, Klempnauer J, Manns MP, Schneider AS, Wedemeyer J. Endoscopic closure of esophageal intrathoracic leaks: stent versus endoscopic vacuum-assisted closure, a retrospective analysis. Endoscopy. 2013 Jun;45(6):433-8.

[19] Mennigen R, Harting C, Lindner K, Vowinkel T, Rijcken E, Palmes D, Senninger N, Laukoetter MG. Comparison of Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy Versus Stent for Anastomotic Leak After Esophagectomy. J Gastrointest Surg. 2015 Jul;19(7):1229-35.

[20] Gubler C, Vetter D, Schmidt HM, Müller PC, Morell B, Raptis D, Gutschow CA. Preemptive endoluminal vacuum therapy to reduce anastomotic leakage after esophagectomy: a game-changing approach? Dis Esophagus. 2019 Jul 1;32(7):doy126.

[21] Neumann PA, Mennigen R, Palmes D, Senninger N, Vowinkel T, Laukoetter MG. Pre-emptive endoscopic vacuum therapy for treatment of anastomotic ischemia after esophageal resections. Endoscopy. 2017 May;49(5):498-503.

[22] Möschler O, Nies C, Mueller MK. Endoscopic vacuum therapy for esophageal perforations and leakages. Endosc Int Open. 2015 Dec;3(6):E554-8.

[23] Hwang JJ, Jeong YS, Park YS, Yoon H, Shin CM, Kim N, Lee DH. Comparison of Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy and Endoscopic Stent Implantation With Self-Expandable Metal Stent in Treating Postsurgical Gastroesophageal Leakage. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Apr;95(16):e3416.

[24] Bludau M, Fuchs HF, Herbold T, Maus MKH, Alakus H, Popp F, Leers JM, Bruns CJ, Hölscher AH, Schröder W, Chon SH. Results of endoscopic vacuum-assisted closure device for treatment of upper GI leaks. Surg Endosc. 2018 Apr;32(4):1906-14.

[25] Valli PV, Mertens JC, Kröger A, Gubler C, Gutschow C, Schneider PM, Bauerfeind P. Stent-over-sponge (SOS): a novel technique complementing endosponge therapy for foregut leaks and perforations. Endoscopy. 2018 Feb;50(2):148-53.

[26] Rausa E, Asti E, Aiolfi A, Bianco F, Bonitta G, Bonavina L. Comparison of endoscopic vacuum therapy versus endoscopic stenting for esophageal leaks: systematic review and meta-analysis. Dis Esophagus. 2018 Nov 1;31(11).

[27] Pournaras DJ, Hardwick RH, Safranek PM, Sujendran V, Bennett J, Macaulay GD, Hindmarsh A. Endoluminal Vacuum Therapy (E-Vac): A Treatment Option in Oesophagogastric Surgery. World J Surg. 2018 Aug;42(8):2507-11.

[28] Heits N, Stapel L, Reichert B, Schafmayer C, Schniewind B, Becker T, Hampe J, Egberts JH. Endoscopic endoluminal vacuum therapy in esophageal perforation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Mar;97(3):1029-35.

[29] Weidenhagen R, Hartl WH, Gruetzner KU, Eichhorn ME, Spelsberg F, Jauch KW. Anastomotic leakage after esophageal resection: new treatment options by endoluminal vacuum therapy. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010 Nov;90(5):1674-81.

[30] Loske G, Schorsch T, Dahm C, Martens E, Müller C. Iatrogenic perforation of esophagus successfully treated with Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy (EVT). Endosc Int Open. 2015 Dec;3(6):E547-51.

[31] Ooi G, Burton P, Packiyanathan A, Loh D, Chen R, Shaw K, Brown W, Nottle P. Indications and efficacy of endoscopic vacuum-assisted closure therapy for upper gastrointestinal perforations. ANZ J Surg. 2018 Apr;88(4):E257-63.

[32] Alakkari A, Sood R, Everett SM, Rembacken BJ, Hayden J, Sarela A, Mohammed N. First UK experience of endoscopic vacuum therapy for the management of oesophageal perforations and postoperative leaks. Frontline Gastroenterol. 2019 Apr;10(2):200-203.

[33] Chon SH, Toex U, Plum PS, Fuchs C, Kleinert R, Bruns C, Goeser T. Successful closure of a gastropulmonary fistula after esophagectomy using the Apollo Overstitch and endoscopic vacuum therapy. Endoscopy. 2018 Jul; 50(7):E149-50.

[34] Herbold T, Chon SH, Grimminger P, Maus MKH, Schmidt H, Fuchs H, Brinkmann S, Bludau M, Gutschow C, Schröder W, Hölscher AH, Leers JM. Endoscopic Treatment of Transesophageal Echocardiography-Induced Esophageal Perforation. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2018 Apr;28(4):422-28.

[35] Glatz T, Fischer A, Hoeppner J, Thimme R, Walker C, Richter-Schrag HJ. Vacuum sponge therapy using the pull-through technique via a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy to treat iatrogenic duodenal perforation. Endoscopy. 2015;47 Suppl 1:E567-8.

[36] Loske G. Endoscopic negative pressure therapy of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Chirurg. 2019 Jan;90 (Suppl 1):1-6.