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SAM Consulting
B. Braun does not only offer you a single consulting service. We provide a continuous strategic partnership as one of the leading and experienced companies in surgical instrument management.
The reprocessing of medical devices is becoming more complex and complicated every day. If documentation is not performed professionally, instruments disappear, transparency regarding entire instrument cycle flow is missing, instrument movement between sets or disciplines cannot be tracked and OR complains because of inappropriate set assembling.
The Backup Stock Management App (BSM App) is a digital twin of your physical Backup Stock. By using the App, all instrument withdrawals and instrument restocking are digitally documented. The BSM App sends you alerts, if the defined minimum stock of certain instrument article numbers has been reached, aiming for a constant availability. In addition, you will get access to interesting data analytics, which can be the basis for continuous optimization of your Backup Stock: Which instrument article numbers are most frequently withdrawn from the Backup Stock? What are the main reasons why instruments from the Backup Stock are withdrawn? Do many instruments get lost or is there a specific instrument requiring a lot of repairs. In short, the BSM App is a tool for digital inventory management, also including an alert system and offering you valuable data insights for continuous Backup Stock optimizations.