ON-Q System NRFit®
Elastomeric Pain Relief Pump System
The ON-Q NRFit® Pain Relief System is a pain management solution that has been clinically proven to reduce pain and opioid consumption in a range of surgical specialties.
The elastomeric pump versions are available in a variety of fill volumes and flow rate options providing post-operative pain relief.
The ON-Q System with SELECT-A-FLOW (SAF) allows to change the flow rate according to the individual need of the patient.
The ON-Q System with Bolus (ONDEMAND) delivers a continuous infusion (basal) and allows fixed boluses to be delivered on demand by patient.
With the ON-Q Pain Relief System, patients
- Were discharged 1.1 days sooner, on average (1,4,10,11,12
- Reported up to 69% lower pain scores (5,11)
- Were up to 3x as likely to report high satisfaction scores (1,2,14)
- Are more likely to experience better pain management with fewer side effects (2,3,4)
Benefits of Bolus System:
- Single press delivery button
- Easy to read reservoir fill indicator
- Ergonomic bolus design
Benefits of SELECT-A-Flow:
- Variable flow rate controller (1-7 ml/h or 2-14ml/h version)
- Removable key for tamper resistance
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