Contiplex® Tuohy Ultra 360 NRFit®
Continuous peripheral nerve block catheter set with ultrasound-visible stimulation needles
Includes Regional Anesthesia products with NRFit® connector, in line with the ISO Standard 80369-6.
For performing continuous nerve blocks (cPNB) with ultrasound and/or nerve stimulation.
Contiplex® Tuohy cannula NRFit®
- Tuohy-bevel
- Catheter-through-Needle System
- Echogenic X-pattern facilitates clear needle visualization
- High quality coating enables smooth gliding through tissue
- Needle shaft contains a long-short-short-tip safety code
- Improved ultrasound visibility of new Contiplex® catheter NRFit®
Perifix® catheter connector NRFit® in "click and ready" system
Perifix® filter 0.2 µm NRFit® and PinPad® NRFit®
- Fixation on patient with self-adhesive PinPad
- High pressure resistance up to 7 bar for enhanced safety
Further set components
- Hemostasis Valve/Sideport NRFit®
- Catheter label (Nerve blocks)
- Omnifix® NRFit®-Lock syringe, 5 ml for priming and aspiration