Columbus® Total Knee System
One world – one knee: Implantation options for Total Knee Arthroplasty
The interchangeable and anatomically-designed Columbus® Knee prosthesis offers proper physician choice and patient specificity. Columbus® has comprehensive options to cover all bicondylar indications and intraoperative situations.
Discover universality – Discover individuality
- Implant to conserve or sacrifice the posterior cruciate ligament
- Fixed or rotating platform
- Cemented or cementless with Plasmapore® (for AS version, the Plasmapore® coating is only available as custom made implant)
- Tibial Augmentation options and tibial stems
- PE heights up to 20 mm
- Extensive size options with 14 femur sizes and 11 tibia sizes
- AS coated version for optimized wear and patients with metal allergy
Discover mobility – Discover stability
- ROM up to 140°
- Improved stability even in difficult ligament situations
- Trochlea design supports natural patella tracking
Discover quality – Discover innovations
- Good clinical performance
- Since 2003 over 500,000 Columbus® implantations worldwide
- Navigated or manual operating technique
- Minimally invasive or conventional operating technique
- Wear results down to below 1 mg per million cycles acc. to ISO 14243
Video Minimally Invasive Orthopaedic Solutions with OrthoPilot®Navigation
Dr. med. Lampe, Schön Kliniken, Hamburg, Germany
IQ Columbus Manual procedure
Dr. Günther Waßmer, Wangen i. Allgäu, Germany.
IQ Columbus Instruments
Assembly Instructions
Video Columbus® StreamLined Surgical Technique with OrthoPilot®Navigation
Prof. Dr. med. Maurer and Dr. med. Wassmer, Oberschwabenkliniken,Ravensburg
Video Columbus® StreamLined Manual Femur First Surgical Technique
Dr. med. Frank, Kaiserswerther Diakonie, Düsseldorf