Introcan Safety® 3

Closed Safety IV Catheter with Multi-Access Blood Control Septum©

Introcan Safety® 3 is a peripheral IV catheter with a passive fully automatic needlestick protection and multi-access blood control septum that helps to protect clinicians and patients from blood exposure. It is a single-use device to generate intravascular and tissue access to sample blood, monitor blood pressure, or administer fluids and blood intravascularly. Introcan Safety® 3 is also indicated for subcutaneous infusion therapies and 300 psi power injector applications (18G – 24G).

The device can be used for all patients for which infusion therapy is prescribed. No gender or age related limitations. Introcan Safety® 3 can be used for adults, pediatrics and neonates.


Passive Safety Shield – A passive fully automatic protection helps eliminating needlestick injuries and related infections. It deploys automatically, cannot be bypassed and requires no user activation 1,2

Multi-access blood control septum – helps to prevent blood exposure during catheter insertion and while disconnecting a device from the catheter hub 3

Integrated Stabilization platform – sophisticated catheter securement helps to reduce catheter movement and related complications 4,5,6

Double Flashback Technology - Confirms that both needle and catheter capillary are inside the vessel. First needle flash confirms needle is in vein, second catheter flash confirms catheter is in vein.

Universal Back Cut Bevel – Allows for a wide choice of insertion angles and is designed for minimal puncture trauma7

Radiopaque Stripes - For a good visibility of the catheter capillary under X-Ray

Power Injectable – Pressure rated for contrast media application at 300 psi (18G – 24G)

IV catheter material available in PUR and FEP – PUR for a softer and more comfortable in-dwelling performance, FEP as alternative firmer material e.g. for arterial access 8

Not made with DEHP, Latex/Natural Rubber, PVC

  1. Tosini W. et al. Needlestick Injury Rates According to Different Types of Safety-Engineered Devices: Results of a French Multicenter Study. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. April 2010; 31(4): 402-407.
  2. Sossai D. et al. Efficacy of safety catheter devices in the prevention of occupational needlestick injuries: applied research in the Liguria Region (Italy). J Prev Med Hyg. 2016; 57: E110-E114.
  3. Haeseler G. Hildebrand M. Fritscher J. Efficacy and base of use of an intravenous catheter designed to prevent blood leakage: a prospective observational trial. 2015. J Vasc Access: 1-4. (p.3)
  4. Gorski L. et al. Infusion Therapy: Standards of practice. Journal of Infusion Nursing. 2016; Vol 39(1S): S72-73.
  5. Schears G. Summary of Product Trials for 10,164 Patients: Comparing an Intravenous Stabilizing Device to Tape. J Infus Nurs. August 2006; 29(4):225-31
  6. Mensor L. Dirogio D. Souza C. Contadin R. Cost-Effectiveness of safety engineered peripheral catheters with an integrated stabilization platform under the perspective of hospitals in Brazil. BR J of Health Econ. April 2016;18(1):3-10.
  7. Suzuki T. Fukuyama H. Nishiyama J. Oda M. Takahashi M. Differences in Penetration Force of Intravenous Catheters: Effect of Grinding Methods on Inner Needles of Intravenous Catheters. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2004; 29(4): 175-181.
  8. Maki D.G. Ringer M. Risk Factors for infusion-related Phlebitis with Small Peripheral Venous Catheters: A randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Intern Med. 1991 May 15; 114(10):845-54.