Intrapur® Inline

Infusion set with 0.2 µm inline IV filter

IV Set with 0.2 µm inline IV filter for gravity use to

  • retain particles, bacteria and fungi
  • eliminate air


Ready to use built-in Sterifix® infusion filter

A clinical study showed, that by using B. Braun IV filters the overall complication rate could be reduced by 10%. Using IV filters also makes financial sense: the length of ICU stay can be decreased by almost one day / patient which represents a 23% drop – a substantial economic advantage because additional patients a year can be admitted. In a study, this led in turn to an increase in revenue because no patients had to be turned away due to lack of capacity.1,2

Supor® membrane 0.2 µm, effective filtration area 10 cm2 made out of Polyethersulfone (PES)

  • helps to prevent particulate contamination by retaining particles > 0.2 µm. 3
  • reduces microbiological contamination by retaining bacteria and fungi. 4, 5
  • reduces the risk of medication error. Solid particles > 0.2 µm occurring from incompatibility reactions are retained by the IV filter membrane.3 Blockage of filter membrane can be an alarming signal for an incompatibility reaction which could have severe clinical consequences for the patient when being infused.
  • low protein binding.6

Venting function - two 0.02 μm hydrophobic PTFE-membranes to

  • reduce the risk of air embolism regardless position of filter. The hydrophobic characteristic of the membrane blocks the passage of air and successfully vents the excess air out of the system.3

Technical data

  • Max. flow rate (aqua dist.): 20ml / min
  • Pressure resistant up 0.5 bar
  • DEHP-free
  • PVC- free
  • Usage time up to 24 h

Drip Chamber

  • Particle filter 15 µm
  • Universal vented piercing spike with sharp tip
  • Bacteria-tight air vent, closable with handy snap cap, prevents the escape of any contamination into the adjacent environment.
  • Fully transparent dome offers visibility for a constant visual monitoring of flow rate.
  • Elastic pump chamber allows easy and quick set-up of fluid level.

Roller Clamp

  • Integrated spike protection at roller clamp for disposal.
  • Parking position to attach the patient connector to roller clamp.

Luer Lock Connector

  • Screw tight Luer Lock patient connector which helps to avoid accidental disconnection which could lead to microbiological contamination.

1 Jack, T; Sasse, M. et al: In-line filtration reduces severe complications and length of stay on pediatric intensive care unit: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial, 2012.

2 Review of Study from Jack, T.; Sasse, M. et al: In-line filtration reduces severe complications and length of stay on pediatric intensive care unit: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial, by Bettina Döbereiner, 2013.

3 Engineering data on file.

4 PALL: Evaluation of Brevundimonas diminuta retention efficiency of Pall filters with 0.2 μm Supor™ membrane and acrylic housing, 2016.

5 PALL / Harreld L.A., Bruey, J., Blazo, D.R., Sevick, S.H.: Retention of Candida albicans by Pall Medical air-eliminating filter devices containing 1.2 μm Supor™ PES membrane.

6 PALL / Sevick, S.: Compatibility of various pharmaceutical agents with Pall Supor intravenous filter devices, 1999.