Clinical Evidence
Abdominal Wall | Indication | Products | Studies |
Abdominal Wall Closure | Laparotomy Closure | Monomax® MonoPlus® | INSECT [01], [02], [03], [04], [05] and ISSAAC [06] |
Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair and Recurrent | Inguinal Open: Lichtenstein Inguinal Lap: | Optilene® Mesh Premilene® Mesh Plug Optilene® Mesh Optilene® Mesh | Prevention of Chronic Pain [10] and Best Mesh-Glue combination for Fixation [07] and Biocompatibility Tissue Integration [08], [09] |
Mesh Fixation | Mesh Fixation in
Mesh fixation in Inguinal Laparoscopy: TAPP/TEP
| Histoacryl®
Histoacryl® combined with Vipro II, Timesh & Ultrapro | Sutureless Lichtenstein: Prospective randomized trial comparing sutured with sutureless mesh fixation for Lichtenstein hernia repair: long-term results. Efficiency and safety of mesh fixation in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair using n-butyl cyanoacrylate: long-term biocompatibility in over 1,300 mesh fixations [11], [12], [13] |
Abdominal Wall Defects Prevention | Laparotomy in risk patients: Obese, Diabetic, AAA, HTA, Infected, Collagen, Cancer | Monomax® combined with Optilene® Mesh Elastic or Optilene® Mesh LP | Prophylactic Mesh in Cancer Patients [14], [15] |
Abdominal Wall Closure – Monomax®
[01] Interrupted or continuous slowly absorbable sutures – design of a multi-centre randomised trial to evaluate abdominal closure techniques INSECT-trial [ISRCTN24023541]. HP. Knaebel, M. Koch, S. Sauerland, MK. Diener, MW. Büchler, CM. Seiler; INSECT Study Group of the Study Centre of the German Surgical Society. BMC Surg, 2005; Mar 8;5:3. Pubmed >>
[02] Operative standardization in randomized controlled surgical trials. Meeting of the INSECT trial. HP. Knaebel, M. Kirschner, M. Reidel, M. Büchler, C. Seiler. MW, Seiler CM. Chirurg, 2006; 77:267-272. (Article in German). Pubmed >>
[03] Assessment of the ethical review process for non-pharmacological multicentre studies in Germany on the basis of a randomized surgical trial. CM. Seiler, P. Kellmeyer, P. Kienle, MW. Büchler, HP. Knaebel, the INSECT Study Group. J Med Ethics, 2007; 33:113-118. Pubmed >>
[04] Interrupted or continuous slowly absorbable sutures for closure of primary elective midline abdominal incisions: a multicenter randomized trial (INSECT: ISRCTN24023541). CM. Seiler, T. Bruckner, MK. Diener, A. Papyan, H. Golcher, C. Seidlmayer, A. Franck, M. Kieser, MW. Büchler, HP. Knaebel. Ann Surg, 2009; 249(4):576-82. Pubmed >>
[05) Current practice of abdominal wall closure in elective surgery – Is there any consensus? NN. Rahbari, P. Knebel, MK. Diener, C. Seidlmayer, K. Ridwelski, H. Stöltzing, CM. Seiler. BMC Surgery, 2009; 9:8. Pubmed >>
[06] A historically controlled, single-arm, multi-centre, prospective trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Monomax® suture material for abdominal wall closure after primary midline laparotomy. ISSAAC-Trial [NCT005725079]. L. Fischer, P. Baumann, J. Hüsing, C. Seidlmayer, M. Albertsmeier, A. Franck, S. Luntz, CM. Seiler, HP. Knaebel. BMC Surg, 2008; 8: 12. Pubmed >>
Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of Monomax® suture material for abdominal wall closure after primary midline laparotomy-a controlled prospective multicentre trial: ISSAAC [NCT005725079]. Albertsmeier M, Seiler CM, Fischer L, Baumann P, Hüsing J, Seidlmayer C, Franck A, Jauch KW, Knaebel HP, Büchler MW. Department of Surgery, University of Munich, Grosshadern Campus, Marchioninistr. 15, 81377, München, Germany. Pubmed >>
Hernia Repair – Optilene® Mesh LP
[07] Randomized clinical trial of tissue glue versus absorbable sutures for mesh fixation in local anaesthetic Lichtenstein hernia repair. Paajanen H, Kössi J, Silvasti S, Hulmi T, Hakala T. Br J Surg. 2011 Sep;98(9):1245-51. doi: 10.1002/bjs.7598. Epub 2011 Jun 28. Pubmed >>
Clinical Evidence for Optilene® Mesh LP a mesh for inguinal hernia repair.
B. Braun Extranet >>
Hernia Repair – Optilene® Mesh Elastic
[08] Early tissue incorporation and collagen deposition in lightweight polypropylene meshes: bioassay in an experimental model of ventral hernia. G. Pascual, M. Rodríguez, V. Gómez-Gil, N. García-Honduvilla, J. Buján, J. M. Bellón. Surgery 2008;144:427-35. Pubmed >>
[09] Comparing the behavior of different polypropylene meshes (heavy and lightweight) in an experimental model of ventral hernia repair. J. M. Bellón, M. Rodríguez, N. García-Honduvilla, V. Gómez-Gil, G. Pascual, J. Buján. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2008. Pubmed >>
[10] Prevention of Chronic Pain. Optilene® Mesh Elastic vs. Ultrapro® – End 2010. ClinicalTrials >>
Mesh Fixation – Histoacryl®
[11] Efficiency and safety of mesh fixation in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair using n-butyl cyanoacrylate: long-term biocompatibility in over 1,300 mesh fixations. Kukleta JF, Freytag C, Weber M. Hernia. 2012 Apr;16(2):153-62. Epub 2011 Oct 21. Pubmed >>
[12] Sutureless Lichtenstein: first results of a prospective randomised clinical trial. Helbling C, Schlumpf R. Hernia. 2003 Jun;7(2):80-4. Epub 2003 Jan 30. Pubmed >>
[13] Prospective randomized trial comparing sutured with sutureless mesh fixation for Lichtenstein hernia repair: long-term results. Kim-Fuchs C, Angst E, Vorburger S, Helbling C, Candinas D, Schlumpf R. Hernia. 2012 Feb;16(1):21-7. Epub 2011 Jul 26. Pubmed >>
Clinical Evidence for Histoacryl® a n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive.
B. Braun Extranet >>
Incisional Hernia Prevention in high risk Patients
[14] Primary closure of laparotomies with high risk of incisional hernia using prosthetic material: analysis of usefulness. C. Gutierrez de la Pena, C. Medina Achirica, E. Dominguez-Adame, J. Medina Diez. Hernia 2003; 7:134-136. Pubmed >>
[15] Estudio aleatorizado sobre la utilización de mallas reabsorbibles para la prevención de la evisceración en la cirugía colorrectal (Randomised study of the use resorbable Mesh for the prevention of evisceration in Colorectal surgery). F. de la Portilla, B. Flikier, E. Espinosa, A. Utrera, R. Rada, J. Vega, N. Cisneros, VH. Maldonado. Cir Esp. 2008; 83(1):12-7. (Article in Spanish). Pubmed >>