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Off-Label Use in Pediatrics

What Is Off-Label Use of Pharmaceutical Drugs and Medical Devices?

Off-label use means that physicians use a drug in a way that deviates from the indications, age-related use or even the prescribed amount. This type of drug prescription is mostly used in pediatrics and oncology.1

pediatrics nurse with patient

Why Is Off-Label Use a Risk in Pediatrics?

  • More than


    of drugs used in children have not been tested in or approved for children 5,8

“In fact, 70% of off-label use lacks significant scientific support.”

Mir AN, Geer MI. Off-label use of medicines in children.

How to Reduce the Risk of Off-Label Use in Children?

Risk Prevention in Pediatrics & Neonatology

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[1] Neelmeier EM. Recht: Vorsicht beim Off-Label-Use. Dtsch Arztebl 2018; 115(43): [2]. (last access 6.5.21).

[2] Samuels-Reid JH, Blake ED. Pediatric medical devices: a look at significant US legislation to address unmet needs. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2014; 11(2):169-74.

[3] AAP Section on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery and AAP Section on Orthopaedics. Off-Label Use of Medical Devices in Children. Pediatrics. 2017;139(1).

[4] U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Pediatric Medical Devices. (last access 13.9.21).

[5] Boston Children’s Hospital. Division of General Pediatrics. What to consider when considering “off-label” drug prescriptions for children. (last access 6.5.21)

[6] Yackey K, Stanley R. Off-Label Prescribing in Children Remains High: A Call for Prioritized Research. Pediatrics 2019;144(4).

[7] Mir AN, Geer MI. Off-Label Use of Medicines in Children. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2016;7(5):1820-28.

[8] Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte. EU-Kinderverordnung (seit 26.1.2007 in Kraft)

[9] Allen HC, Garbe MC, Lees J, Aziz N, Chaaban H, Miller JL et al. Off-Label Medication use in Children, More Common than We Think: A Systematic Review of the Literature. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2018;111(8):  776-783.

[10] Czaja AS, Reiter PD, Schultz ML, Valuck RJ. Patterns of Off-Label Prescribing in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Prioritizing Future Research. J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2015;20(3):186-196.

[11] Wasielewski S. Off-label-use bei Kindern. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung (DAZ) 2005: 42. (last access 6.5.21).

[12] World Health Organization. (‎2007)‎. Promoting safety of medicines for children. World Health Organization. (last access 12.05.2021).