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Parenteral Nutrition Compounding

Compounding of parenteral nutrition

Parenteral nutrition regimens are complex medications. They consist of many macro- and micronutrients in various combinations and range in volume from 100 ml for preterm infants and neonates to 4,000 ml for adults.

Especially for premature and newborn infants, the requirements might be adjusted daily, making precise work absolutely essential to avoid dosing errors – the most common medication error in children.1, 2 Accurate delivery is one of the main advantages of automated compounding devices compared to manual preparation.


In addition to accuracy, time is also an important factor, as many hospital pharmacists must prepare 25, 30, or more bags each day. With manual compounding, this task is even more time-consuming than with the help of an automated compounding device.

Pharmacists' Partner throughout the Entire Compounding Process

[1] Miller MR, Robinson KA, Lubomski LH, et al. Medication errors in paediatric care: a systematic review of epidemiology and an evaluation of evidence supporting reduction strategy recommendations. BMJ Quality & Safety 2007;16:116-126.

[2] Cowley E, Williams R, Cousins D. Mediaction errors in children : a descriptive summary of medication error reports submitted to the United States pharmacopeia. Current Therapeutic Research 2001;62(9) :627-640.